12th August 202423rd August 2024Sylvia Joshua Western Art in teaching and learning: An account of art making at the Family Medicine Summer School
11th June 202420th June 2024Sylvia Joshua Western Experiential learning and distance learning students
1st December 202312th December 2023Sylvia Joshua Western Podcast: I sat, a solitary student in a crowded university classroom, an open book, and empty cup on the marble table top
24th November 202317th April 2024Sylvia Joshua Western Podcast: Broader technical landscape and key players in Generative AI – Episode 4 (20 mins)
10th November 202317th April 2024Sylvia Joshua Western Podcast: Beyond the algorithm: Digital divide, biases and hidden labour – Episode 3 (18 mins)
31st October 202327th November 2023Sylvia Joshua Western ESL PALS: English Second Language Peer Assisted Learning Scheme
27th October 202317th April 2024Sylvia Joshua Western Podcast: A student’s perspective on Generative AI usage – Episode 2 (17 mins)
18th September 202328th September 2023Sylvia Joshua Western Bridging our gaps: Why EAP students turn to AI?
21st August 20234th September 2023Josephine Foucher A student’s experience attending the IAD-KNU summer school in Kyiv
14th August 202324th August 2023Josephine Foucher Designing and leading a hybrid summer school in Kyiv