22nd January 20241st February 2024Sylvia Joshua Western Becoming an External Examiner (Part 1): Why and what’s involved?
7th May 202019th May 2020Josephine Foucher Spotlight on Alternative Assessment Methods: Things to think about for open book and at-home exams
15th April 202030th March 2021IAD user Spotlight on Alternative Assessment Methods: Remote exam marking – Holding on to the philosophy of paper
12th July 20189th April 2019IAD user “‘Tain’t what you do (it’s the way that you do it)”: Investigating feedback comments
13th June 201710th August 2021IAD user Wikipedia in the Classroom: developing information literacy, online citizenship and digital research skills
1st June 201715th June 2017IAD user Welcome to the June issue of Teaching Matters on assessment and feedback