15th March 202227th April 2022IAD user Engineers in the making: The path of first year Engineering students
17th February 202227th April 2022Josephine Foucher Can we really build well-being in the digital curriculum?
24th January 202227th April 2022IAD user Academic language and literacy for participation in postgraduate law programmes
20th January 202227th April 2022IAD user A real leveller: Improving a year-long, team-based project for undergraduates and professional industry mentors during lockdown
18th November 202127th April 2022Josephine Foucher “Cooking Without A Cooker”: A recipe book for the homeless
28th October 202114th December 2021Josephine Foucher Bringing learning to life: Nine tips for learning in outdoor places and spaces
5th October 202114th December 2021IAD user Earth to Jupyter: Adding innovative tools to teach coding better
21st September 20216th October 2021Josephine Foucher Giving students some space to reflect on their Honours dissertations: A mini-SLICC (Student-Led, Individually-Created Course)