Do you use technology in your teaching and learning? Interesting in talking more with others who work with learning technology?
In January 2016 the elearning@ed committee and IS – Learning, Teaching & Web teams set up a monthly event to raise awareness of different uses and ideas for how learning technologies are used across the University to improve teaching, learning, and the student experience. The monthly sessions, which take place in the last week of each month, are a chance to strengthen connections between the community of learning technologists, support staff, academics, students and anyone else who is engaged with using technology in learning and teaching.
This month’s Learning Technology Showcase event, taking place on Monday 27 June, 3-5pm at 50 George Square, room G.06, will be focussed on Assessment and Feedback. This event is aimed at academics, learning technologists and anyone who is currently involved in or plans to introduce technology into their assessment workflows. We are delighted to welcome Prof Susan Rhind, Dr Neil Lent, and Karen Howie to speak at this month’s event, and the session will be chaired by Robert Chmielewski from the IS – Learning, Teaching & Web team. We are dedicating a large amount of time to general discussion around technology in assessment and feedback as we expect there to be a lot of interesting talking points that we would love to discuss with the audience.
If you’d like to attend, you can book directly via the University’s Event Booking channel.
Agenda for Learning Technology Showcase on assessment and feedback
Title / Topic | Speakers |
Introduction and Updates | Robert Chmielewski IS Learning, Teaching and Web |
eSubmission and eFeedback in the College of Humanities and Social Science | Karen Howie School of History, Classics & Archaeology |
Current assessment challenges | Dr Neil Lent Institute for Academic Development |
Assessment Literacy: technology as facilitator | Prof Susan Rhind Assistant Principal Assessment and Feedback |
Open Discussion on technology in Assessment and Feedback |
The 2 hour format allows for a number of short presentations, Q&A, general discussion, and a chance to network during a coffee break – as well as the now traditional post meeting trip to a local pub. Each event is loosely themed so that all speakers will be relevant for that audience. Depending on the theme of the event we encourage people to invite others to attend who might be interested in that particular area.
Notes of previous meetings are available via the elearning@ed wiki site, along with instructions for how to join the elearning@ed mailing list to receive notifications of future events.