19th December 202317th June 2024Josephine Foucher Creative events of the LGBTQ+ History Month: An SPA funded project
11th December 202319th December 2023Josephine Foucher Launching the Computer Science Education Group: Fostering Collaboration and Advancement
22nd August 20235th September 2023Josephine Foucher Evaluation of Chat Systems for Student Social Interaction During the Covid-19 Pandemic
15th August 202328th August 2023Josephine Foucher Evaluation of video conferencing systems for student social interaction during the Covid-19 Pandemic
16th August 202229th August 2022Clarissa Yung Systematic review of virtual learning classroom systems used in higher education
2nd August 202211th August 2022Clarissa Yung MarkEd: A tool for marking, feedback and moderation in the School of Informatics
22nd July 20218th September 2021Josephine Foucher Supporting first-year students at the programme level: A case from the School of Informatics
21st April 202018th May 2021Josephine Foucher Spotlight on Remote Teaching: Benefits and challenges of blended learning
17th December 20199th January 2020Josephine Foucher Undertaking an online data science degree to design better environmental solutions